Chapter Five


Lost in teasing Arnav, I failed to notice the subtle movement of his hands. Suddenly, his touch surprised me as his hand found its way to my bare waist, sending shivers down my spine. With gentle yet deliberate strokes, his hand traced patterns on my thigh, leaving me breathless. As his touch ventured further, my heart raced with anticipation. Without a word, he swiftly shifted our positions, positioning himself over me. With a smirk, he gently caressed my lower lip, causing a rush of emotions to flood over me. Caught off guard, I met his gaze with a mix of panic and nervousness, my feminine instincts betraying me. Sensing my turmoil, he withdrew his touch.

"Don't try to tease me. I can play this game far better than you," Arnav stated, settling down on the bed.

I turned away, caught in his spell, and drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was an unidentified number. Not wanting to disturb Arnav's sleep, I moved to the balcony to answer the call.

"Hello Kali, this is Kalki. Did you think marrying Arnav would deter me? I know Arnav doesn't love you and wouldn't lay a finger on you. Before he changes his mind, I'll have you in my bed."

"Shut your bloody mouth, Kalki. If you dare to cross my path, I'll show you what hell looks like."

"Kali, calm down. Until now, you didn't have a family, making it difficult to blackmail you. But now, you have a husband and a family. If you don't submit to me, your brother-in-law, who is studying in Delhi, will soon be kidnapped by me. And if anything happens to him, your husband will easily cast you out of his house and his life."

"Kalki, don't you dare harm my family. Not just me, but my husband won't spare you either if you threaten our family."

"In twenty-four hours, you'll witness what I can do to your family," Kalki threatened, ending the call. I returned inside, only to find Arnav standing there.

"Who was that on the call? Why are you on a call at this hour?" Arnav questioned, gripping my wrist and pulling me towards him.

If I told him about Kalki and his threat, Arnav might think I've dragged his family into my troubles through this marriage.

"It was just an important call from a friend."

"A friend? At midnight? Interesting," Arnav remarked, his expression a mix of emotions.

"I don't have the energy to explain," I replied, attempting to leave, but Arnav pulled me back, his hand resting on my waist.

"Don't act this way with me. I don't...."

As his lips hovered near mine, I took the initiative and silenced him with a kiss. Arnav's response was immediate; his grip on my waist tightened, and he took charge of the kiss. Without breaking our embrace, he guided me to the bed, where our passion intensified. Breaking the kiss, his lips trailed a path along my neckline, sending electric pulses through my body. His touch found that sensitive spot on my neck, causing me to grip the mattress tightly, desperately trying to stifle the moans threatening to escape. But ultimately, his touch overwhelmed me, and I couldn't help but utter his name in ecstasy.


Suddenly, he withdrew, leaving me yearning for more. His words cut through the haze of desire.

"You may be a Mafia Queen, but first and foremost, you're a woman, my wife. I know how to assert control, and from now on, you'll see just how much you'll listen to me," Arnav declared, his teeth grazing the corner of my lip, igniting pleasure rather than pain. Despite his intentions, I couldn't shake the slight discomfort, knowing that tomorrow, without heavy lipstick, the evidence of our encounter would be visible—a prospect I disliked, as I detested the use of lipstick. Was it my mistake to initiate that kiss putting me in trouble? How was it that easy for this man to take control over me?

However, my mind was once again drawn to Kalki. I recalled Kalki's threat and Pranay's words that Kalki only desires the virgins. I realized I needed to make Arnav mine completely. Once I belonged to him, Kalki would have no power over me. But how could I broach this subject with Arnav? If I were to ask outright, he might perceive me as desperate. I needed to subtly entice Arnav, to make him want this as much as I did. But there was a risk - what if he misconstrued my intentions and saw me as cheap?

I quickly sent a message to Pranay, ordering immediate security for Arnav's brother. I wanted to ensure my family's safety before making any moves against Kalki.

I glanced at Arnav, who was sleeping soundly. Had I made a mistake by marrying him? Was my love complicating his life? I didn't want him or his family to face any trouble because of me.

In his sleep, Arnav reached out and pulled me closer. His head rested against my chest, causing me to catch my breath and smile. He was my sanctuary, but what if I was his destruction? I hoped that wouldn't be the case. Regardless, I was determined to protect him and his family.

The next morning, I woke up to find Arnav already getting ready. I glanced at the clock; it was already 9 AM. My late night sleep had resulted in a late morning woke up.

"I'm heading to the office. My aunt and uncle have gone to a wedding. Breakfast is ready. Try to eat with a spoon this time, so you don't hurt your fingers again," he said.

I nodded in response.

"Make sure you eat before you leave," Arnav added, his tone a mix of authority and concern. This was the first time I was experiencing such care and affection from someone. Even though these were small gestures, I cherished them.

Once Arnav had left, I checked in with Pranay about the security for Arnav's brother. Once I was assured that everything was in order, I felt a sense of relief. I decided to stay in for the day, not feeling the necessity to go out. After thinking well, I could only see one way to counter Kalki's absurdity - by becoming intimate with Arnav. But how could I approach this? I had already deceived him into marriage, and any further actions on my part might only fuel his resentment. How could I deal this delicate situation without causing more harm?

Hi readers, how's the episode? Can Kali escape from Kalki? Will Arnav accepts her as wife inspite of her betrayal during the marriage?

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