In the Dark


He locked me in the room until the night fell, keeping me captive against my will. The hours dragged on, and as the darkness enveloped the room, he finally opened the door. With a cold expression, he tossed a food packet onto the floor, a gesture that filled me with disgust. I clenched my fists, despising every moment of this ordeal.

"Eat and come soon to the bedroom. Tonight, you are mine," he commanded, his voice dripping with a sickening possessiveness.

My blood boiled with anger, and I felt to punch him on his face. Thoughts of my mother and sister gave me the strength to control my emotions and stay calm. Reluctantly, I consumed that meal and followed him to the bedroom. As I sat on the edge of the bed, he approached me, his lips finding their way to my neck. I recoiled, feeling violated by his touch. He forcefully pushed me onto the bed, his intentions clear as he tried to undress me in haste.

"I need to use the washroom," I managed to say, my voice trembling. He reluctantly released his grip, allowing me to escape momentarily. I hurriedly made my way to the washroom, taking a few moments to collect myself. After what felt like an eternity, I emerged, ready to face whatever awaited me.

"How long will you take? Come fast to the bed," he bellowed impatiently, his anger clearly visible.

"I...am...in periods," I lied, desperately trying to find an excuse to avoid his advances. He scrutinized me for a moment, his eyes filled with a disturbing mix of desire and sadism.

"That would be even more enjoyable," he sneered, his words sending shivers down my spine.

Without warning, he threw me back onto the bed, his touch becoming increasingly inappropriate and violating. Tears streamed down my face as I realized the true extent of his depravity.

"You are not in periods," he declared, his voice laced with a sickening satisfaction.

In that moment, I understood that he had touched me to verify my lie. The realization left me feeling trapped, with no means of escape from this torment.

"So, you have the guts to lie to me. Of course, being the daughter of that cunning man, you could be as cunning as he is. Anyways, let me give you the reward for your guts," he taunted, his words dripping with malice.

Why did he harbor such hatred towards my father? What would he do to me?

As he tightly gripped my wrist, I felt a surge of fear course through my veins. He forcefully pulled me towards his car, his anger palpable in the air. The engine roared to life as he sped away, leaving everything behind in a blur. After what seemed like an eternity, he abruptly stopped the car and yanked me out, his grip unyielding.

"The desire to break free from my grasp is evident in your eyes. You yearn to flee this place, don't you? Well, I won't hold you back. Run as far as your legs can carry you. Run through the wilderness, avoiding the clutches of savage beasts and the dangers posed by cruel animals. If you are alive without being preyed upon by wild animals and safe without being touched by wild humans, let's talk tomorrow morning."

The darkness enveloped us, casting an eerie shadow over the desolate surroundings. The only source of light was the faint glow of his car's headlights. Suddenly, a distant roar of a lion echoed through the night, sending shivers down my spine. A wicked smile crept across his face, as if relishing in my fear.

Trembling, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice barely above a whisper. "Please, don't leave me here. It's scary."

Mockingly, he settled into the driver's seat, his eyes filled with contempt. "You dare to deceive me? Then face the darkness tonight with your same bravery. Even if you manage to escape the clutches of wild animals, you cannot escape the hunger of savage humans. You rejected your husband's touch, now let's see who will lay a hand on you. Enjoy this night of torment."

I watched in despair as his car disappeared into the distance, leaving me stranded without a shred of mercy.

I couldn't see anything in the pitch black darkness that surrounded me. It was so dark and I don't have my mobile with me to use it's torch light. Fear gripped me as I realized that I had no means to defend myself in this hopeless situation.

I stood rooted to the spot, desperately waiting for someone to come to my rescue. Time dragged on, but there was no sign of help. The eerie sounds of wild animals echoing through the night only heightened my anxiety, causing my heart to race.

"Vennela, calm down," I whispered to myself, trying to summon some courage. "You can overcome this. Just think and find a way."

In the distance, I spotted a faint glimmer of light. Maybe, if I could make it there, I would be able to find a way out. However, doubt crept into my mind. What if there were dangerous snakes or sharp thorns along the way? Nevertheless, I knew that standing still was not an option. I had to take a chance.

Slowly, cautiously, I began to walk forward in the darkness. But my progress was not without its share of obstacles. Suddenly, my arm was pierced by a sharp thorn, causing me to wince in pain. Determined to reach my destination, I ignored the stinging sensation and pressed on. With each step, my feet and hands suffered more injuries. That idiot didn't even give me enough time to slip on my footwear, leaving my feet vulnerable to the rough terrain. I could feel the warmth of blood oozing from my wounded feet, but the pain didn't deter me.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I reached the source of light, only to have my hope shattered. A group of men sat around, enjoying their drinks and engaging in idle conversation. They turned their attention towards me and began to advance, their intentions unclear.

I sprinted away from that place, my heart pounding in my chest. The fear of the unknown consumed me as I had no idea where I was headed. My stomach churned with pain, and my body was drenched in a cold sweat. The sound of their footsteps echoed behind me as they relentlessly searched for me, their torch lights piercing through the darkness.

I couldn't help but curse that heartless fool who had abandoned me. How could he leave me in such a merciless manner? Was he even human? Anger and frustration welled up inside me, but I had no time to dwell on it.

With each step, my tension grew, and the exhaustion took its toll on me. Hunger gnawed at my insides, and thirst parched my throat. My feet throbbed with pain from the injuries I had sustained. I had trained in karate and judo, but in that moment, my mental turmoil and the darkness surrounding me rendered me helpless. I couldn't fight back.

As I continued to run, the sounds of animals grew closer. I realized that I was faced with a choice - become prey to these wild creatures or fall into the hands of those savage humans.

I came to the realization that he would never return to rescue me from this nightmare. All he desired was my demise, a cruel and merciless death. If I were to perish here, no one would hold him accountable. I would simply be another victim, either torn apart by animals or violated by perverts.

Desperate to evade capture, I sought refuge behind a tree, using the light from their torches to guide me. I sat there in silence, my breath heavy, fearing that even the slightest sound would give me away.

In that moment, memories of my mother and sister flooded my mind. If I were to meet my end, would he spare them? All my possessions were in his name, and without money, how would they survive? What would happen to them, if I die?

My past flashed before my eyes - the love and care of my father, the warmth of my mother, and the playful fights with my sister. It had been a life filled with happiness and blessings. But in the blink of an eye, everything had turned upside down. If my father were still alive, he would have fought tooth and nail to protect me. His absence had shattered my world completely.

Hoping to make it through the night, I yearned to find my way out of the forest. In the darkness, the torches went out, leaving me feeling relieved that the danger had passed. But just as I exhaled a sigh of relief, a hand landed on my shoulder and the goons reappeared, their torches illuminating the path in front of me. They forcefully grabbed my hand and pulled me along with them, my breath becoming shallow as my eyes began to droop.

Hi readers, how is the episode? How would Vennela escape from those perverts? Why is he being so cruel to her? What might have happened between him and her father that turned him this merciless? Is her father a wrong person or is this man a wrong one suffered because of her father? Vote and comment if you like the episode. Thank you.

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