Relishing Her Pain


I mustered up all my strength and delivered a powerful kick to one of the men before sprinting away. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, revealing that it was his vehicle. He smirked at me, noticing my bleeding hands and feet. As the goons approached, I grabbed his arm tightly and sought refuge behind him. However, he abruptly yanked my wrist, pushing me towards them.

"I didn't come here to save you. I came here to see and enjoy your drastic fate. You didn't like my touch. So now I will not touch you. Go and save yourself."

Perched on top of his car, he abandoned me to face the goons alone. They drew closer, and I rose to my feet, tears streaming down my face as I struggled to flee. But I stumbled and fell. One of the goons reached out to grab my hand.

"If you beg me to save you, I will consider it. If not, face it by yourself and I will see it as a mere spectator. I don't care even if you die."

"Please save me. Please save me. I beg you. I can't fight now in this stage."

I begged, my energy waning and my thirst intensifying.

"Why do I feel happy seeing you this miserable? Anyways, I am not satisfied. Apologize to me for trying to deceive me by saying that you are in the menstrual cycle."

"I apologize you. Please save me."

Feeling my strength ebbing away and on the verge of passing out, I continued to plead for help. Yet, he seemed to take pleasure in my distress. Eventually, he descended from his car.

"She's my wife. If you want to live, just leave. Otherwise, I know well how to save my wife."

"Come here," he ordered me, and despite my bleeding feet, I managed to run to him.

"Sit in the car. I will clean this mess."

Seated in his vehicle, I drank some water and relaxed, listening to the sounds of the scuffle outside. The goons cried out in pain as he fought them off with vigor.

After the altercation, he approached me and took a seat beside me.

"How could you abandon me there and leave?" I questioned, my voice filled with frustration.

He glanced at me but remained silent as he started the car. We drove back to the bungalow, and he walked briskly while I struggled to keep up. Exhaustion overcame me, and I began to doze off, but just before I hit the ground, he swiftly stepped in to support me, helping me regain my balance.

"Stand here for the entire night. Do you think I will let you off that easily for trying to deceive me? I will break your guts and mold you into the perfect mistress for me. This marriage is just for namesake," he declared sternly.

I lacked the energy to argue or plead with him. All I desired was to sleep, but I knew that was not an option. He retreated back into the bungalow, closing the door behind him, leaving me standing there with great difficulty. After some time, he returned once again.

"My dear, beautiful wife, if you attempt to sit or enter the house, you will face even harsher punishment than this. If you wish to spare yourself from further torture, behave accordingly. I am aware that your feet are in great pain, and now you will stand here for the entire night. To have more fun, I have come up with another idea," he said with a sinister smile.

He proceeded to draw a circle around me.

"Do not step out of this circle. It is a fitting punishment for a cunning girl like you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there helplessly. The cool breeze brushed against my wounded skin, causing me to shiver. My gaze fell upon the circle. Throughout the night, I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, desperately trying to alleviate the discomfort. Only when the sun began to rise did he finally open the doors. I hoped that he would allow me inside, but instead, he dragged me to the back of the house.

"Last night, those men laid their hands on you. I hate it. If you hadn't provoked me, it wouldn't have happened. You may enter the house only after you have cleaned yourself," he stated coldly.

He poured three buckets of water over my head, causing me to shiver uncontrollably as tears streamed down my face. The cold water soaked through my clothes, chilling me to the bone. I never thought I would find myself in this situation, at the mercy of a man who seemed to take pleasure in my suffering.

"I never want to see another man touch you," he said, his voice filled with possessiveness and anger. He gripped my hair tightly, a warning in his eyes. I nodded, too afraid to speak, and he finally allowed me inside.

Once inside, he pointed towards the wardrobe. "In there, you'll find everything you need. Go and get ready," he commanded. I hurriedly obeyed, hoping that by following his instructions, I could avoid any further harm.

When I returned, he scrutinized me from head to toe, his gaze lingering on the arm where a thorn had pierced my skin the night before. As he grabbed my arm, pain shot through me, and I couldn't help but cry out.

"Prepare coffee and breakfast. The kitchen is downstairs. Have it ready before I finish my shower," he ordered, his tone cold and demanding. I nodded, my heart sinking as I struggled to stand on my aching feet.

"It will heal soon. You're no longer a princess to be treated with love and kindness. A captive should be treated this way, and the pain keeps you under my control. I enjoy seeing you in pain," he sneered, his words cutting through me like a knife. I couldn't understand why he was so cruel to me. I hadn't done anything to deserve this treatment. I didn't even know his name. Why was he torturing me like this?

"Do you want more pain to make you listen to me? Go and prepare the food," he commanded, his voice filled with hatred. Fear gripped me, and I slowly made my way downstairs, each step a painful reminder of my captivity. The downstairs was a maze of rooms, and I struggled to find the kitchen. After ten minutes, I finally stumbled upon it, relieved to have completed my task.

Thankfully, the kitchen was clean and I began to cook. I decided to make roti and checked the refrigerator for vegetables, but all I found were eggs. So, I cooked egg bhurji to eat with the roti. Just as I was about to sit down to eat, he came downstairs and called me from the living room. I served the food to him.

"Don't you want to eat?" he asked.

"I don't eat non-veg," I replied.

"See, here you are not given what you eat. You should eat what's given. Eat it now or you will be starved for the next one week. And even after that you will be given only non-veg."

I sat on the chair and tried to eat, but I felt a sensation of vomiting. Tears welled up in my eyes as my throat felt choked. Somehow, I managed to eat one roti, but he gave me two more rotis and more curry.

"Complete it," he demanded.

I forced myself to eat everything and held my stomach. I had never eaten non-veg since childhood. The smell alone made me nauseous.

"Your pain gives me more and more happiness," he said, kissing my lips harshly as he saw me in tears. How long would I have to endure this torture? I was being treated harshly without even knowing the reason.

We left for his house. When I saw my mom and sister there, I hugged them, relieved that they were safe. My mom took my hand and led me to a room, closing the door behind us.

"Vennela, don't hurt him. He's a good person. You are already married to him, so be a good wife to him," my mom said, leaving me shocked by her words.

He was hurting me and was the reason for my dad's death, yet here my mom was asking me to be a good wife to him. Was he really a good man? He had abandoned me in a forest and made me stand outside the whole night without caring for me. And now, I was expected to accept him as my husband. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face.

"Vennela, if you want us to survive, just do what he says. Otherwise, we would end up on the streets without money. Your dad is dead, and we have no one else to save us now."

Hi readers, how is the episode? Why is he this harsh towards her? And why does her mom support him saying he's a good man though he's tormenting her daughter every second? Could Vennela find the reason behind his revenge? Comment to share your views and please don’t forget to vote. Thank you.

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