Accepting the Fate


Before I could even process the words my mother had spoken, my sister entered the room as well. Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and desperation as she pleaded with me.

"Sis, if we want to continue living this life of luxury, we have to do as he says. Otherwise, we'll end up on the streets. Your life has already been shattered, but please don't ruin mine," she said, her eyes filled with tears.

I had been thinking about them just yesterday. Even when death seemed to be closing in on me, my only concern was for their well-being. And now, they were asking me to accept him and endure his torment in exchange for wealth and a life of luxury. It was unbelievable. I wiped away my tears and made my way out of the room.

"Come upstairs," he commanded, his tone cold and authoritative.

Without a word, he left the room, expecting me to follow. And so, I did.

Once we were alone, he spoke with a chilling indifference. "Remember, no one in my social circle knows about our marriage. Here, you are nothing more than an unpaid servant during the day and a mistress at night. And that will never change. Wherever your father may be, he will weep at the sight of his daughter's fate. And that brings me joy."

Silence enveloped the room as I held my tongue, fully aware that this was the path I was destined to walk. Even though my own family had turned their backs on me, I couldn't bring myself to be as selfish as them and abandon my responsibilities. With my father no longer with us, it fell upon me, his eldest daughter, to take care of my mother and sister. Their safety and well-being were my utmost priority.

Summoning up all my courage, I mustered the strength to speak. "I have a request," I managed to say, only to have my words cut short as he forcefully gripped my jaw.

"A servant should address me as 'sir' before speaking. Didn't your father teach you any manners?" he sneered.

Taking a deep breath, I tried again, this time ensuring to address him with the respect he demanded. "Sir, I have a request."

He inquired, "What is it?"

"My mother's safety and my sister's education are of utmost importance to me. I am willing to do whatever you ask, without question, in order to ensure their well-being, sir."

He stared at me, a mixture of surprise and disbelief evident in his eyes. "I understand the sacrifices your mother and sister must have asked of you, but are you truly willing to become my maid for their sake?"

"They are my responsibility. I never leave my responsibility for situations and don't care how they are. They are my family. That's it," I said.

"Okay. I will do as you said. I will send your mom and sister to a foreign country where your sister is pursuing her Masters. They will stay there happily until you are under my control. The minute you cross the line, their lives will turn upside down. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, sir."

"This is my room, which means you will be here for cleaning it or sleeping with me. After that, you need to sleep in the next room on the floor, just like a maid. I should never find you in my room except for those two purposes. ."

"Now, go and prepare lunch. Since you dislike non-vegetarian food, make chicken biryani for lunch and chicken Manchuria as a starter. Hurry up and get it done."

I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I prepared the dishes as instructed, and he came to have his meal. However, I noticed that my mother and sister were nowhere to be seen.

"May I know about the whereabouts of my mother and sister?"

"Do you think I would allow you to be with them? They are safe in my custody. Focus on your tasks."

I served him the food and sat down to eat, despite my distaste for it.

"Stop. Who gave you permission to sit at the same level as me? You should eat on the floor, only if I allow it. You must not do anything without my consent. Your survival depends on my mercy. Forget your past princess life and learn to be a good maid during the day and a mistress at night. After I finish eating, you may have your meal, but it will be different from mine. You will have to make do with some pickle from the house. You are not entitled to the same food as me. That reminds you of your place."

I took a deep breath to endure the pain of his words. I must not provoke him, as he is capable of extreme measures to maintain control over me, as he demonstrated yesterday. I had my meal after him, and he came downstairs dressed in a suit.

"I am leaving for my office. Clean the house by the time I return. And remember I don’t know when I will return home. It might be midnight or early morning. I want you to be alert to open the door when I return, rather than sleeping happily like a princess."

Why is he always taunting me by saying "princess"? Did I say that?

"Did you hear me?" He raised his voice, and I nodded.

"Should I prepare dinner for you or not?" I asked as he mentioned he might come by midnight or early morning.

"I will call you and inform you about that. I have a mobile phone in the room. Only my number is saved in it."

I sat on the sofa, feeling relaxed after cleaning the house and having my dinner. He didn't call me to prepare dinner for him, so I waited until midnight for his arrival. When he didn't show up, I went to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a knocking sound on the door. I opened it to find him standing there, completely drunk. The driver had brought him back to the room.

"Why did he drink so much?" I asked the driver.

"I don’t know, madam, but sir drinks like this every day. I think he failed in love, as he talks about some girl after drinking," the driver replied.

"Okay. You can leave."

"Why did you do this to me? Why did you betray me? Why did you leave me?" He is shouting in pain in a drunken state.

I made him sleep and left the room, wondering who this girl was that left him in such a state. Why did she betray him? Why did she leave him? If he loved someone else, why did he marry me? Perhaps she married someone else, leaving him heartbroken. I decided not to go to the room and slept on the sofa in the living room.

The following day, he descended the stairs for his breakfast. I served him with his meal.

"How are you now? I think yesterday you had a good time with wine. "

"If you want to ask anything, do it directly."

"Did you fail in love? Did she cheat on you?"

His demeanor shifted instantly, and he became enraged. He hurled the plate and everything on the table to the ground, leaving me stunned. I shut my eyes tightly as he raised his hand.

"Don't interfere in my life. Just stay away from it. You are here only to serve me. You are not my wife. Stay within your limits."

He lowered his hand, stopping himself from hitting me. Nevertheless, his words and tone instilled more fear in me.

"If you trigger me this way one more time, I will punish you in a way where you will beg me for my mercy."

He clenched my hair tightly, causing me to look at him with trepidation. Why was he so furious over a simple question?

As a sudden stomachache struck me, I clutched my abdomen and hurriedly made my way to the washroom. Realizing that I was in the midst of my menstrual cycle, I approached him with a request for sanitary pads.


He stared at me intently.

"What is it?"

"I need sanitary pads."

"Are you telling the truth this time?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. I nodded in confirmation. He handed me some money.

"Go and get them yourself."

"What? I don't know this area. I can't search for and buy the pads right now."

"That's not my problem. I am not your servant, obligated to fulfill your every order. I have no desire to serve someone who serves me. If you want them, go and buy them yourself, or else keep quiet and stay here."

"Can you at least ask the driver to bring them?"

"No. Your menstrual cycle is a personal matter. It shouldn't be known to any other men besides me."

"But if I go out like this, everyone will notice the stains on my saree."

"That will be your humiliation. And I take pleasure in that."

I realized that I couldn't convince this heartless man. Taking a step to leave, my stomach ached once again. With no other choice, I decided to go out and purchase the pads myself. Before I could leave, he stopped me.

"Wait. I will get the pads for you, but on one condition."

"What is it?"

"After your menstrual cycle, you must sleep with me. I don't want to force you; you must come to me willingly."

This man is completely deranged. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He wants to humiliate and torment me every second. I wish I could escape from him as soon as possible.

Hi readers, how is the episode? Ashwath is becoming too cruel and ruthless day by day🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Let's see how Vennela escapes from his torture. This book will be updated every Thursday. As of now, I am focusing on two books, so couldn't update more frequently. First I should finish the book He's Mine, I Claim as I started it before this book. Once I finish that book, I will update this book as frequently as possible.

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