Chapter One


Today is the day of my wedding, but my heart is heavy with sorrow and solitude. Throughout my childhood, I never received the things I longed for, yet I never shed a tear, always finding the silver lining in every situation. But today, my life is about to change forever. I am about to bid farewell to the one I have loved since my childhood.

From the moment I was born, tragedy struck my life. My mother passed away during childbirth, and my father, consumed by grief, blamed me for her death, considering me a bearer of misfortune. When I was just nine years old, my father succumbed to liver failure, his addiction to alcohol taking its toll after losing my mother. My relatives, fearing the ill luck I might bring, abandoned me, leaving me to fend for myself. However, Raghav uncle and Meghna aunty, dear friends of my parents, took me into their home. It was there that I first met Rudransh, their son.

Meghna aunty showered me with a mother's love, treating me as her own daughter. Raghav uncle, on the other hand, never made a distinction between Rudransh and me. I found solace in their affection, but one fateful day, tragedy struck again. Meghna aunty met with a terrible accident, falling into a deep coma. Despite everyone's advice to distance himself from me, blaming me for aunty's condition, Raghav uncle refused to abandon me.

As the years went by, Rudransh began to despise me. He gradually stopped speaking to me, leaving me bewildered and heartbroken. Yet, deep within, my love for Rudransh remained unwavering. After completing our studies, uncle attempted to arrange our marriage, but Rudransh vehemently refused to marry me. Uncle then sought another alliance, and out of love for him, I agreed, not wanting to cause him any further pain. As tears welled up in my eyes, I wiped them away, feeling the weight of the pain my heart endured. My friends came to guide me to the wedding altar, and with a heavy heart, I composed myself.

I went to the mandap and began the Ganapathi pooja to eliminate all obstacles, even though all I truly desired was for this marriage to be stopped. Upon finishing the ritual, I noticed my uncle looking worried. Concerned, I called my friend to inquire about the issue.

"The groom's family hasn't arrived yet. Their phones are switched off as well," my friend informed me, leaving me stunned. My own marriage was the least of my worries; I was more concerned about my uncle's reputation and happiness. I had agreed to this marriage solely for his sake. I watched as my uncle called Rudransh and whispered something to him. Rudransh nodded and left. Was he going to fetch them? What was going on now? I prayed that nothing would happen to upset my uncle again.

"The groom's family was involved in an accident and has decided to call off the wedding," someone announced, shocking me to the core. Was it true that I brought bad luck to everyone around me? I wept for my fate, and Rudransh returned to confirm the news. The crowd in the mandap began to point fingers and assign blame.

"This girl is known for her bad luck."

"In her childhood, her parents were dead, and now this bridegroom and his family met with an accident. Such a bad omen she is!"

"I don't know why this girl is still living, suffering everyone."

"No matter where she goes, unfortunate events seem to follow her."

"This girl has a reputation for being incredibly unlucky."

"It's baffling how this girl continues to endure such suffering."

"No matter where she goes, unfortunate events seem to follow her."

I shut my eyes, blocking out the hurtful words. Suddenly, my uncle grabbed Rudransh's hand and brought him towards me.

"Marry her, Rudransh," my uncle said, leaving Rudransh in shock.

"Dad, I've already told you that I don't like her."

"Rudransh, now is not the time to argue. Just marry her. It's our duty to save her from this pain and blame. If you don't marry her, no one else will agree to after what happened today. Please, marry her for my sake. I beg you, son," my uncle pleaded, holding Rudransh's hands.

"Dad, please, stop this."

Rudransh glanced at me and then at the crowd. He sat down silently beside me. The priest began chanting the mantra. Rudransh took the Mangalsutr and whispered in my ear as he tied the knot.

"Don't think that you've won me over by marrying me. You will never earn my love or a place in my heart. This marriage is merely a formality. I will make you run away from me, unable to bear my torment."

I looked into Rudransh's fiery eyes, feeling a sense of fear. The marriage ceremony concluded, and we were taken to our home. The maid attempted to perform the arti, but Rudransh angrily threw it away.

"Rudra," uncle said.

"Enough, dad. What happened is enough. Now don't force me to do more."

Rudra removed the garland and went rudely to his room leaving me there.

"Avani, I know Rudra is angry with us for this sudden marriage. But trust me, soon he will understand you. Be hopeful and make this relationship permanent through your love and patience," uncle said.

I nodded and went inside the house. I completed remaining rituals alone. Tonight, they sent me to Rudransh making the arrangements for the first night.

I knocked on the door of his room with fear.

"Come in."

I entered the room and Rudransh swiftly locked the door behind me.

"So, you've finally decided to grace me with your presence, Mrs. Avani Rudransh Malhotra," he sneered.

"Rudra, I..."

"Enough. Do you honestly believe that your tears and empty words can sway me? I am not my father, to be easily fooled by you. I can't stand the sight of you. Ever since you came into my life, there has been nothing but misery. I hate you, and you know it. Yet, you chose to marry me.

Welcome to your personal hell, my doll. From now on, you will dance to my tune, and your life will be a constant tightrope walk on eggshells."

Rudransh grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to him. His touch left me speechless, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me as our eyes locked. My gaze held love, while his burned with anger. With a forceful push, he threw me onto the bed.

"This is our first night. Let's make it memorable, my dear wife. You are not what I desire, and you will never be able to bear me. Don't expect tenderness or patience from me. I will show you the reality of being married to me, and the challenges you will face. You will understand how tough it is to be my wife."

Rudransh unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it aside. I closed my eyes, a mix of embarrassment and fear washing over me at the sight of him bare-chested. What awaited me tonight? I couldn't leave, for fear of tarnishing Rudransh's reputation. I was willing to make love to him, but what if he shows his anger in our intimacy? While I was lost in my thoughts, he switched off the lights, symbolizing the darkness that entered my life.

Hi readers, How's my episode? Rudransh hates Avani but married her for his dad. Will he accept her as his wife or despises her?

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