Chapter Three

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I got ready to go to the office and came downstairs. Uncle had just returned from his morning walk, and Rudransh was already dressed in his professional attire.

"Rudransh, take Avani with you," Uncle said.

"Dad, please stop it. I married her because you asked me to, but I can't do everything you say. Let her take an auto or a cab. Stop treating her as our equal. She's just a burden to us."

Rudransh yelled and drove off in his car. I took an auto to the office. As soon as I arrived, all my colleagues came to me with bouquets.

"Congratulations, madam," they said, and I smiled. Everyone came to wish me.

"Congratulations, madam," my colleague Raj said, shaking my hand.

"Thank you," I replied, shocked to see Rudransh.

"What's going on here?" Rudransh demanded in his bossy tone, causing everyone to scatter back to their seats.

Rudransh took the bouquets from my hand and threw them in the dustbin.

"Meet me in my room right now," Rudransh ordered.

"Sure, sir," I said and went to his room. Rudransh closed the door and approached me. I gulped, seeing him angry. Why is he angry again? He pinned me to the wall, his lips brushing against the skin of my neck, making me shiver.

"What were you doing before I arrived?" he asked.

"I was just thanking colleagues for their wishes," I stuttered, scared of Rudransh.

"You didn't just thank them but shook hands with them," Rudransh said, holding my hand.


"So, how did that feel?"

Tears began to fill my eyes.

"Don't cry. From this moment on, if I catch anyone else touching you, I'll make sure you know exactly who you belong to, in my own special way," Rudransh said, pressing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, relishing the moment as he gently wiped my tears away with his thumb. This guy is such an enigma. Is he really possessive of me?

"You are my wife, and only I have the right to touch you," Rudransh declared, his hand encircling my waist. I gazed nervously into his eyes, feeling a shiver run through me at his touch.

"Those trembling lips are incredibly tempting. I wish we weren't at the office."

He loosened his grip on my waist and inhaled deeply. His touch was intoxicating.

I retreated to my cabin, and soon after, I learned that Rudransh had dismissed the male colleagues who had dared to shake my hand.

Later that evening, I found myself waiting for an auto, but the heavy rain made it impossible to find one. A colleague offered me a ride, but I politely declined, fully aware of Rudransh's disapproval of me accepting rides from others. Even before we were married, if he spotted me on someone else's bike or in their car, he would scold me. I had learned to refuse help to keep him from getting upset. As the rain poured down, I felt helpless. Just then, Rudransh's car pulled up beside me. I looked at him, anxiety creeping in, fearing he would scold me for talking to that colleague.

The manager stepped out of the car and approached us.

"Anyone without a vehicle, please come inside and wait. Sir has instructed us to arrange transport due to the cyclone expected to last the next forty-eight hours," the manager announced.

I glanced at Rudransh, but he drove off without a word. I assisted everyone into their vehicles before heading home. Just as I was about to enter my house, Rudransh halted me.

"Where have you been all this time? I arranged a vehicle, yet you're still late. The weather is so romantic; did you go on a date with someone?"

"I made sure everyone was safely inside the vehicle before I joined them, as ensuring our employees' safety is a priority for us.

"I passed that duty to the manager, and I'm overseeing it from here. No one asked you to take on that extra burden while neglecting your role as a wife."



"I apologize," I murmured softly.

"You can go inside, but there will be no dinner for you tonight. If you bring this up again, I will kick you out of this house. After work, you need to be home within an hour, and starting tomorrow, you'll be using the office cab for your commute. Focus on your own responsibilities instead of meddling in others," Rudransh commanded, and I nodded in agreement.

Once inside, I freshened up and prepared dinner for him.

"Where's your dad?" I inquired.

"Mom's condition has worsened again, so Dad went to the hospital. He might be back tomorrow," Rudransh replied while eating.

I felt utterly exhausted after the heavy workload Rudransh assigned me at the office today. I collapsed onto the bed, finishing up my tasks. Rudransh entered the room after wrapping up his work.

"What are you up to?" Rudransh inquired, prompting me to spring out of bed.

"I've finished all my tasks, so..."

"That doesn't give you the right to sleep without my say-so. Since you don't have parents, there's no one to guide you on how to act with your husband. Don't worry, I'll show you in my own way."

"Start by pressing my legs until I drift off. You should always sleep on the floor after me, except when I decide to use you for my pleasure, and you must wake up before I do. You'll eat only after I allow it. You're not to enter this room without my permission. From now on, you need to ask me for approval before doing anything. As I've mentioned, I won't treat you like a wife. You're merely my slave, expected to obey me in every aspect. As long as you remain compliant, you'll be safe. If you step out of line, I won't hesitate to discipline you. I'm sending my father to the US for a few months, so there's no one here to protect you from me. Act like a good slave to avoid punishment.

And one more thing: keep your mouth shut around me. I can't stand the sound of your voice. If you talk more than necessary at home, work, or anywhere else, my belt will teach you some manners. I know you lack discipline because my father spoiled you, but that's all about to change. You'll see soon enough. I know how to tame a spoilt brat like you," Rudransh declared as I began to press his legs.

"Are you experiencing any pain in your lower abdomen or vagina after our intercourse?" Rudransh asked.

"Yes, I felt it yesterday."

"And how about today?"

"Just a bit."

"Why didn't you mention it until I asked? If it doesn't improve by tomorrow, I'll take you to the hospital."

"But my friend said it's normal for the first few times."

"Let's see how it goes. Enough with the leg massage. Now sleep, but not on the floor-get on the bed until the pain subsides."

The next morning, I rose before he did and set everything up for him. He eventually woke up a little later.

"Impressive, you're picking things up quickly. I thought it would take more strictness to get you in line, but it seems you've figured out your boundaries quite fast."

"What would you like for breakfast?" I inquired.

"Make mooli paratha and curry. If you do it right, I might let you have breakfast too," he replied.

I cooked the meal, and he ate it with a sense of calm.

"You can only have your breakfast after I finish, and you must stand in the kitchen while you eat. Hold your plate and eat while standing. Slaves don't get to sit down for meals."

His words pierced my heart, but I masked my pain and waited to eat after he was done.

As time went on, Rudransh turned my life into a nightmare after sending my uncle to the US. He piled on the work, making my responsibilities at home and the office feel overwhelming. If I dared to come home even five minutes late, he would punish me by withholding food, robbing me of sleep, or forcing me to eat the dishes I despised the most. I endured it all, clinging to the hope that he might change, but with each passing day, he seemed to grow more callous.

"Rudransh, my friend's wedding is tomorrow. She invited me."

"That's not necessary. Who will handle the chores at home and the office if you go?"

"I'll be back quickly."

"No. If you ask again, you'll be leaving this house permanently."

"Rudransh, after marriage, you are not allowing me to go outside at all except for office. This is unfair. I am doing everything as you said. I have already prepared food for you and will be back by the dinner time. I also have life apart from this marriage and house," I said. For the first time, I raised my voice against Rudransh but I was scared of consequences already.

"You want to go outside, isn't it? You can go."

"Really? Can I go for my friend's marriage?" I said hopefully.

"I will drop you at the location. Go and get your luggage."

I nodded but I didn't understand how he agreed so easily without shouting at me for talking against him. I packed my luggage and Rudransh dropped me at my friend's house.

"Can you please come inside, so that I will introduce my friends?" I said slowly.

"I am not interested."

"Okay, I will come by evening."

"Enjoy your time and come only when you want," Rudransh said, giving me another shock.

"No, no, I will be back by evening."

"No, she will come after two days, brother, please," my friend said, standing behind me.

"No, Vanya, I will leave after your marriage," I said.

"Brother, please allow her to stay for two days. She came to meet me after a long time," my friend requested Rudransh and he looked at me.

"Fine, come after two days," Rudransh said.

"Thank you, Brother. Thank you so much," Vanya said and he didn't react at all.

"Are you really sure? How could you manage at home for two days?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Enjoy your time here. Come after two days. I am getting late to the office, Bye," Rudransh said and left from there. I was completely confused with his behavior. He didn't allow me even if I come home late for five minutes but now he left me here for two days. Anyways finally I felt I was free from my cage for atleast two days.

Hi readers, how is the episode? Why did he agree so easily to drop her at her friend's house for two days? Why does he hate Avani? Keep guessing.

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