Chapter One


I am not supporting any violence or abuse towards women. When the book comes to an end, you will be inspired by the female lead, though you feel her as naive in the beginning. This book is to encourage girls to fight with life and spread message never to quit, though life is not full of roses and thorns come across your way. Read with patience. Thank you.

The gates to what felt like a forbidding fortress swung open, welcoming Abhigna into the grand villa that loomed before her. As she approached, the maid came with a lit camphor, but Trishul intervened sharply.

"What's this for?" His tone was cold and commanding, his presence a menacing force.

"Sir, Aarti to welcome the new couple," the maid replied nervously, sensing his displeasure.

"Who's the couple here? She's merely a servant, unpaid, existing solely to obey my commands," Trishul declared, his gaze piercing Abhigna with malice.

Abhigna fought back tears, resigning herself to endure whatever humiliations and hardships Trishul might inflict upon her in this marriage of convenience. She chuckled bitterly at her plight, exchanging one form of torment for another.

As she moved to enter the villa, Trishul halted her in her tracks.

"Stop. Have I given you permission to enter? You must earn that privilege. Until then, stand outside and wait for my mercy."

Surprised but composed, Abhigna stepped back and stood silently. She knew Trishul was capable of extreme cruelty and was prepared for the worst. Throughout the day, she remained there, uncertain of when her ordeal would end. The weather turned, and rain began to fall. Trishul emerged and looked upon her with satisfaction.

"Stay there. Your suffering brings me joy. And remember, this is only the beginning."

With a smirk, Trishul retreated to his room, leaving Abhigna drenched and trembling in the cold rain. Night descended, yet Trishul's heart remained unyielding. He was resolute in his determination to break her spirit.

Hours passed. Finally, Trishul returned.

"Behind the house, there's a restroom. Change into dry clothes and sleep by the door. Tonight, you are not permitted inside," he commanded, tossing a saree at her.

Abhigna took the saree and hurried to the restroom. She changed into the warm clothes and returned to sleep on the floor by the door, sheltered from the rain but chilled to the bone by the cold floor.

Exhausted from days without rest, food, or peace of mind, Abhigna leaned against the wall and tried to sleep. Despite the freezing conditions, weariness overcame her, and she slipped into unconsciousness almost immediately.

In the cold darkness, Abhigna's ordeal had only just begun, trapped in a marriage devoid of warmth, mercy, or hope.

Trishul sat in his room, surrounded by the empty bottles of alcohol, reminiscing about Abhigna. Her smile, her voice—everything about her drove him to madness. He couldn't discern whether it was lust, love, obsession, or hatred that consumed him, but her very presence ignited an uncontrollable turmoil within him. He found perverse satisfaction in her tears, longing to destroy her to rid himself of these overwhelming emotions.

To him, Abhigna was a possession, something he had acquired through manipulation. He refused to acknowledge their marriage because she had refused to accept being owned by him. He relished in her helplessness, mirroring his own vulnerability to her unexpected effect on him.

From his room window, Trishul looked out at her tear-stained face with no hint of pity or mercy, only savoring the memory of the slap she had once delivered to him. Now, Abhigna was entirely under his control, yet Trishul ensured she dared not even raise her voice, let alone her hand, against him. He had manipulated her into begging him to marry her, and he agreed but only on paper refusing to tie the knot to remind her of her place. His aim was to bind her to him, ensuring she never left or found solace in another. He had woven his trap so intricately that she could never escape without his consent.

The next morning, he ventured outside to check on her. He snapped his fingers impatiently, but she remained unconscious. With a harsh snap at her shoulder, Abhigna startled awake, her eyes darting around in confusion.

"You're still alive, I see. Surprising. I thought the cold might have finished you off last night," Trishul sneered bitterly. She stood up, avoiding his gaze and clenching her fists.

Trishul noticed her clenched fists and felt a surge of anger. He wanted her complete surrender, to endure whatever he inflicted upon her. Gripping her hair tightly, he forced her to look at him, his gaze piercing and full of dominance.

"If you don't drop that attitude around me, I'll make your life even more miserable. You belong to me and should obey my every command without question."

She fought back tears, but Trishul could tell she was on the brink of breaking down. His smile widened as he relished the thought of breaking her spirit further, eagerly anticipating the moment her tears would finally fall. Those eyes, once filled with hatred and defiance towards him, those eyes that made him insame, now struggling to contain her sorrow, thrilled him.

"Sweep outside and then you can shower. Only then will I let you inside," Trishul commanded, and the maid handed Abhigna the broom. She took it, surveying the vast villa surrounded by trees, leaves scattered everywhere. It would take hours to clean. Abhigna felt parched; she hadn't eaten since the day before.

"I need some water," Abhigna murmured, fearing Trishul's wrath.

"Oh, are you thirsty? It's unfortunate, but you'll get water only after you finish cleaning. Do it within two hours, and you'll get both water and permission to come inside. Otherwise, you'll stay hungry and thirsty out here," Trishul replied mercilessly.

Abhigna silently began sweeping. An hour passed under the scorching sun, leaving her dizzy and dehydrated.

She paused briefly, but the looming deadline pushed her to continue. Finally, she completed the task and approached Trishul.

"I'm sorry, but you're one minute late," Trishul taunted, provoking her further.

Abhigna calmly retrieved her mobile and displayed the screenshot taken before she began sweeping.

"I finished five minutes early," she stated calmly, but Trishul seethed with anger.

"I decide what's right here, and I don't care about your proofs," Trishul snapped.

"I acknowledged that I completed the work on time, but that doesn't mean I will go against your order. The day I slapped you, you were a stranger to me. Now you're my husband. Why would I treat you the same way? So, what now? Do you want me to starve outside until you allow me in? I'll do it. What's the next task? Oh, and you mentioned I should shower after sweeping. Can you provide me with clothes, or should I wear the same saree?" Abhigna's words stunned Trish.

He had expected her to plead for mercy, not to accept his orders so readily. He realized punishing her now would be his mistake, not hers. Reluctantly, he relented.

"Go inside. Have water. Only water. The maid will show you to your room. Take a shower and meet me afterwards," Trishul instructed, walking away.

Abhigna followed the maid to a bare room and the maid handed over the clothes to her as per Trishul's orders. After a quick shower, she returned to his room, ready as instructed.

Trishul stared at her, struck by her innocent beauty adorned with sindhoor on her forehead. His gaze fixated on the sindhoor.

"Where did you get that sindhoor?" Trishul demanded.

"I took it from the maid," Abhigna replied calmly.

Trishul nodded and summoned the maid, who appeared trembling.

"Did you give her that sindhoor?" Trishul interrogated, causing the maid to nod fearfully.

"You're fired. How dare you give it to her without my permission?" Trishul declared, shocking both the maid and Abhigna.

"Trishul, every married woman wears sindhoor. She gave it to me because of my request. Please forgive her," Abhigna pleaded, but Trishul remained silent.

"Please punish me, but spare her. It was my fault," Abhigna insisted, unwilling to see the maid suffer for her actions.

"Remove that sindhoor," Trishul ordered abruptly, stunning Abhigna.


"You are not my wife. This marriage is merely a formality to control you. I don't want to see you wear any symbols of marriage," Trishul stated coldly.

"You don't need to get emotional. Besides, if something happens to me, you'll be free from all this," Trishul stated matter-of-factly, devoid of any empathy.

"I don't wish harm upon anyone," Abhigna replied calmly.

"No arguments. Remove it, or I will," Trishul threatened. "Soon, you'll prefer death over enduring my torment."

Approaching her, Trishul backed Abhigna against a wall.

"You are not my wife, and I will ensure you never forget it," Trishul declared, attempting to wipe away the sindhoor as tears streamed down Abhigna's cheeks.

Hi readers, How's the episode? This will be posted only on Wattpad until the book completes. What do you think about Trishul and Abhigna? Please vote, comment and add the book to library, if you find the story interesting. Dive into their journey to know why Trishul became a beast and how Abhigna entered into his life. Why is he so determined to torture her? Let's see as the story flows.

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