Chapter Two


I went to the office the next morning. My PA came running to my cabin.

"Sir, our application for the construction of new apartment was rejected by the collector," my PA said.

"But why?"

"We don't know the reason and even the Minister's recommendation didn't work. Collector is too stubborn to sign on the file."

"Did the Collector specify the reason?"

"No, sir. We got a call from the Collectorate asking you to meet her today. Maybe she is expecting something."

"If everything is correct about the project, she should sign the file. I am not going to encourage this type of corrupt officers. I will meet her today and if she really expects something to sign the application, she will get the deserving reply from me."

"Sir, we will bring pressure on her than going there. She will have no option but to give her permission," my PA said.

"No, I will meet her before taking further step," I said.

I heard that the Collector is good and sincere. How come she expects corruption from a project where we want to build the apartment and rent it freely to the poor old aged persons? Something is fishy and it will be cleared only when I meet her.

I went to the office and Collector Swecha called me to her cabin.

"Hello, madam. I am Rudra, the MD of Rudra Constructions and Interior Designers," I said and shook my hand with her.

"Hello, Mr Rudra. Please take your seat."

"May I know why the permission is delayed? It's a project designed with good intention and if you expect anything," I said and stopped seeing her glare at me.

"Yes, Mr Rudra. I expected something and denied the permission for the project," the Collector said, shocking me.

Is she corrupted?

"I expect the welfare of the public and it's my responsibility to save them."

"I didn't get you," I said.

"Mr Rudra, the place chosen by you has a river long back. The building would collapse in the future if there's a flood or any other unexpected situation arises. I can't sign on such project."

I was in shock listening to her words. How could I choose such a place? I should know the details clearly one more time.

"Thank you for the information. Sorry for wasting your time, madam," I said and was leaving from there.

"Mr Rudra, I heard a lot about you and your company. If it's not you, I would have issued arrest warrant by now for choosing such a place. But keeping your reputation in mind, I didn't take such a drastic step. I thought someone betrayed you in your company. That's why I asked you to meet me.

And one more thing, every officer is not corrupted," the Collector said with a smile.

How could she be so cool though I thought about her as a corrupted officer? I shouldn't have slipped my tongue.

"I am sorry, madam. I will look into this issue."

"If you can find a better place to construct that apartment, my cooperation will always be there for your good deeds."

I nodded and went to my office immediately. My PA came rushing to me while I inspected every detail of the land carefully. Collector Swecha was absolutely right. There was a river many years back and now it was dried up. However, I can't risk the life of people because we can't predict the future or the occurrence of natural disasters.

I called my PA and fired him immediately settling the pay he gets until now and gave one month salary extra though I know that he tried to misguide me. I don't want his family to suffer until he finds another job. I can give him one month salary for free but can't afford to continue him in my company because I can't trust people after the betrayal whether it's business or life. Whether it's PA or Sanjana.

I ordered my secretary to find another land for this project. After two days, I went to my brother's son's birthday. I was having a drink and noticed Collector Swecha there. I felt to thank her for her help.

"Excuse me," I said and Swecha looked at me.

"Thank you, madam," I said.

"Sorry, I didn't get you."

"Madam, I am thanking you for checking the application carefully and letting me know the issue. I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to the lives of anyone because of my carelessness," I said.

"It's my job, Mr Rudra. No need to thank me."

We were talking and my sister in law Tanvi came there.

"Hey Swecha and Rudra, what are you doing here? Do you know each other before?" Tanvi said and we nodded.

"Swecha, he is my brother-in-law Rudra and Rudra, she is my best friend in the training, Swecha," Tanvi said giving me a little heart attack. Tanvi and my brother are trying to make me meet her friend from a long time as they want me to marry her. However, I didn't know that it's Collector Swecha. I should escape from here as soon as possible as these people are capable of fixing my marriage here itself. How can I make them understand that love is not my cup of tea.

The party was finished and I stayed as far as possible from my sister in law and her friend too. I was starting my car and saw Swecha standing near her car and the driver repairing the car.

"Madam, I am sorry. I didn’t check the condition of the car."

"It's okay. No problem. I am just trying to book the cab but the cabs are available. I will find a way to go home. You too go home now in an auto or something. You can get it repaired tomorrow," Swecha said.

I drove off the car until the gate and it started raining. I stopped the car. Should I drop her at home? How would she go alone at this time? Is it necessary for me to do that? I thought for a while and drove car back to her.

"Is anything wrong, madam?" I said and she looked at me.

"My car has some issue. I am trying for a cab," Swecha said.

"It's too late and weather is bad too. If you don't mind, I will drop you at your place."

"No problem. I can manage," Swecha said.

"Then that's okay," I said and tried to leave and rain became heavy. I saw her getting drenched in the rain. I opened the car door.

"Get in faster. You can trust me or share the live location with your close ones until you reach home," I said and she sat in the car. I dropped her at her home.

"Thank you," Swecha said. I smiled at her and left the place. In the morning, I woke up with my friend's call. My friend called me asking me to see the newspaper. I opened the newspaper and shocked to see the news.

"Rudra, the MD of Rudra Constructions and Interior Designers with Collector Swecha. Are they in love? Are they going to get married?

The romance in the car in the romantic weather at night time says it all."

They published our photo in the newspaper.

What's the hell? How could they write whatever they want? I just dropped her at home and they conformed that we are in love and getting married. Shit! I threw the paper away and just then, Swecha came there and paper fell on her face.

Why did she come here to my home? What would she think of my behavior? What a total mess!

Hi readers, how is this episode and their meeting? Do you like their characters? Comment and let me know your views. If you like the concept, comment your views. Thank you.

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